What our clientele say

Various experiences have come through working with teams, individuals, amateur and pro athletes.

Gym Geek

Michael Sansoni

Tulshi has a truly comprehensive understanding of human performance, strength and conditioning.

Crucially, her feedback and communication was not a regurgitated textbook. Tulshi really committed to understanding my goals, and tailoring her approach and direction to my targets, rather than trying to enforce a copy and paste regimented program onto me.

There were no questions of: “Why?” from Tulshi, it was always: “OK, let’s do this then”

Overcoming PND

Louise Collins

After a previous bad experience on a running machine I vowed never to go into a Gym and meant it. I had known Tulshi for a few years as our onsite Performance Coach and manager and was always impressed with her levels of enthusiasm and professionalism to her craft. She really started supporting me on a coaching level individually when I started to suffer with my mental health after the birth of my second child with severe postnatal depression.

Tulshi became invaluable to my recovery. She took time to talk and understand where I was in my headspace and recovery, which I knew needed to include exercise and change of mentality in regards to this. She went above and beyond my expectations and slowly I managed to go out on walks with her, when I was unable to step outside. This then built up to feeling confident enough to do small runs alone. I still wasn’t keen to attend a gym but eventually, once back at work, Tulshi supported me in this transition and encouraged me to find the right fitness plan for me.

She became a mentor, confidant and allowed me to believe in myself with exercise.

Tulshi got me through some of the hardest times in my life mental health wise with her support, during panic attacks. Without Tulshi I wouldn’t have the positive relationship with exercise I do now and am now more comfortable to work out in the gym on machines that work for me and my own needs.

Anyone looking for a coach will get more then a highly educated strength coach with Tulshi; you will find someone with innate levels of empathy who is willing to go the extra mile for your individual needs, that’s rarely found. She is very committed to helping people achieve their goals whatever they may be with no judgement.

EWS Rider

Finn Chapman

Tulshi has been a HUGE part of my training since day one of my journey to the EWS, from the first gym session ??, through to S&C coaching ??‍♂️, the mental state of an athlete??‍♂️, and regular tune ups to my plans?, she’s an absolute pleasure and inspiration to work with!

Marathon Enthusiast

Chloe Plummer

Tulshi was huge asset during my London marathon training last year.

She understood the demands of my busy life with work, two children (a husband who was away racing, a LOT) and the intense training I had signed up for. She gave me realistic goals and strengthening exercises that tailored exclusively to me in order to get the most out of what I needed to achieve without over doing it.

I had a small set back and had developed a hamstring injury (lazy glutes!) but the sports massages that Tulshi gave me alongside a good rehabilitation programme got me to the start line and then ultimately the finish line!

I have continued running – I have two marathons booked in this year – and the knowledge and intuitive training that she provided has been valuable in staying injury free – as much as us runners ever do!? – in this marathon training block.

I thoroughly recommend Tulshi as a coach and an overall asset to any fitness goals you may want to achieve.

Pain free

Rick G

Working with Tulshi for a programme to develop both strength and conditioning has made a tremendous difference!

I’d been trying to overcome previous injuries and she had created a programme to make these a thing of the past.
Tulshi made the sessions varied, enjoyable and constantly developing.

Benefits include muscle strength, tone and my posture has improved and significantly increased. As well as an overall increase in both my strength & fitness.

I’ve certainly noticed daily benefits within my activities both at work and home. Before these sessions I quite often struggled with reoccurring injuries which would be aggravated on a daily basis.

I have also noticed my sleep patterns have also changed for the better!

Overseas Rehab


‘Tulshi wowed me with her expertise across not only lifting technique, but recovery, injury rehab and prevention, nutrition and overall wellbeing advice. She approached every day training me with extreme enthusiasm and vigour which is rare to find in a coach within the UK.’

‘It pays to be trained by someone who practices what they preach, and Tulshi is a prime example of that.’

SDR Rehab

Jude Noble – Written by mum Marie

‘Jude had so much fun with you without realising just how hard he was working!
The effort he has put into his physio has had me in awe. I cannot recall Jude ever standing so straight and tall. All the work he did with you and since is paying off. A lot is effortful for him having Cerebral Palsy but all I know you believed in him and we do to. He is going to achieve so much more than has often been expected of him! Thank you for always being #team Jude xxx’

‘I miss Tulshi. I worked hard with her but she made it so much fun. She was crazy like me!’ Jude

Taking care of No.1

Natalie May

‘After years of neglecting both my physical and mental health, and hating what I saw in the mirror; I finally decided it was time to make some huge changes.

Tulshi has been a huge motivator and inspiration with all her positivity and support!

She is very helpful with her expert knowledge and demonstration videos.’

Return to Sport

Lewis Fox

‘I visited Tulshi to discuss a program regarding Prehab for my hips. It included things to do in the gym and at home. The aim was to ease some of my pain and tightness around the joints. Most importantly, we had targeted discussions on pre and post op options depending on what the surgeon advised.

Tulshi and I met every day in the factory gym and we went through a program designed to strengthen supporting muscles around my hip. We agreed the target was to help me through the F1 season and prepare for the ops. I took these exercises on the road and we kept in contact during events, tweaking the program and checking in on progress and results.

The program itself worked within a matter of days! Both my hips were moving much easier and the pain was significantly lower. I had some confidence that I could make it through the season with her help.

The results were clear in my first post op, my surgeon believed I was possibly two or three weeks ahead of his planned progress! This was all due to the work we had been doing in the gym.

The knowledge Tulshi has passed on has been invaluable and enabled me to work unaided when required without the risk of slowing my progress.

Overall the work she has done has had the most positive impact on me both mentally and physically of anyone I have ever worked with and I can honestly say my overall progress would not have been possible without her dedication and motivation to see a client succeed.’

Walking down the aisle

Vicki Cooke

I spoke to Tulshi about my “fears” of being in the gym. I decided to get as much help as I could and signed up to get personal coaching sessions from Tulshi ready for my wedding.

During my sessions with Tulshi she showed great understanding to my concerns and has helped me overcome my fears, especially those horrible free weights ?

Tulshi set up a training plan that was created especially for me and my areas I really wanted to focus and work on.

Tulshi takes great pride in getting the techniques right from the outset and is really good at encouraging and pushing you to keep going when you are ready to give up. I would not hesitate in recommending Tulshi as a Performance Coach.

Getting fitter and stronger

James Rance

Tulshi is a fantastic person to train with, always pushing you, even when you didn’t think you could. It wasn’t all hurt though, every session was a laugh and a good time. That’s what was great about it, even though it was hard work, we had a laugh and I relaxed more and don’t worry about what I was doing, that always made it better.

Everyone always says it’s not the sessions with the coach that help, it’s the ones you do without them, and they’re right. Tulshi showed me so much and helped a lot, I felt that with her guidance I progressed in my own sessions so much more and she was always there to help if I needed it! Even if it was just a quick message to say what I’ve done and what she would recommend, she was more then willing to help!

Over the course of our time, I’ve felt like I’ve progressed a long way, a little fitter and stronger.

Copyright by TulshiVarsani. All rights reserved.